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Children working on 'peace' messages

Children working on 'peace' messages

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Prepping the bottles

Prepping the bottles

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Message in a bottle

Message in a bottle

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Hanging bottles

Hanging bottles

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In the gallery preparing the opening

In the gallery preparing the opening

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'Peace' in a bottle chandelier

'Peace' in a bottle chandelier

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Peace Chandelier shining bright

Peace Chandelier shining bright

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Peace Chandelier

Peace Chandelier

Peace chandelier

Peace chandelier

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View from outside

View from outside

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Peace In A Bottle


'Peace In A Bottle' was an art project that I proposed to a class of children (8-12yo) at the Hampstead School of Arts in London. As well as offering an experience of collaborating on a conceptual art installation this also became a succesful fundraising project in it's own right. 

The children took ownership of the creation of positive and uplifting artworks to be included in the bottles.


A few weeks later the terrorist attacks in Paris happend. We spent some time talking about conflict in the world which led to changing our focus and title to 'Peace In A Bottle' giving this piece and process additional meaning.


The children made beautiful and inspiring artworks sharing their own ideas on peace with 'the world'.


Over the remaining weeks 130 recycled clear glass bottles were collected, decorated and filled with a beautiful artwork.


It resulted in an attractive chandelier exhibited at the Hampstead School of Arts gallery in London. 


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